- Court and party reports as publicly appointed and sworn expert
- Emission and immission reports for air pollutants, odours, noise
- Explosion protection expert opinion
- Safety assessments
- Expert opinion on fire safety
- Expert opinion on germs and bioaerosols
- Risk assessment 42. BImSchV i. V. m. VDI 2047 -2
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
- FFH-Compatibility Test (FFH-VP), FFH-Preliminary Test
- Landscape management accompanying planning (LBP), intervention regulation
- Species protection expert reports (species protection expert report, special species protection examination, property expert reports)
- Mapping, Special Faunistic Surveys (FSU)
- Environmental construction support (UBB), ecological construction support (öBB)
- Technical contribution to the EC Water Framework Directive (WRRL)