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Environmental planning and protection of species

The engineering office SHN in Chemnitz is your competent partner for engineering services in the field of environmental planning.
Environmental planning is an essential part of the planning and implementation of projects. It accompanies the project throughout the entire planning and implementation process, starting with the preliminary planning, through the approval and implementation planning up to the realisation. The following applies: The earlier environmental and nature considerations are taken into account in the planning process, the smaller the hurdles that may arise as a result.

This not only saves time, but also extra costs. We are there to support you with our staff in every phase of your project.
Even during project development, an important part is location exploration. Environmental considerations can be taken into account when selecting a suitable site, which can greatly simplify the further planning process. Possible impacts on nature and the landscape can also be taken into account in the initial planning phase. It is also necessary to identify which documents and opinions might be required during the authorisation phase. At this early stage, we will be happy to advise you and discuss with you any necessary environmental documentation. Even site explorations, e. g. biotope mapping, can already be carried out in part.
In the permit planning, the planning documents of the preliminary planning are merged in the form of an application with the environmental planning documents, if applicable, and transmitted to the authority. Early consideration of environmental concerns pays off here, since it is already known which environmental documents (reports, reports, etc. ) are required. During this phase, we can offer you a variety of services tailored to your project. These include expert opinions (air pollutants, noise), technical papers on water law, technical papers on biodiversity protection, environmental impact studies and documents on preliminary tests to determine the EIA obligation, impact assessments and preliminary tests with Natura 2000 sites (FFH-compatibility assessment, SPA-compatibility assessment). Compatibility assessment), intervention/compensation assessments, and landscape planning documents (landscape management accompanying plan, green development plan, landscape plan). We will be happy to advise you and prepare you an individual offer.
After approval has been granted (respectively planning approval decision), a project can be realised. Both during the execution planning and during the realisation, the environmental planning accompanies the project further (e. g. by environmental construction supervision).

Our planning services include:


Environmental assessments (EIAs and SUPs) are carried out as part of the approval procedures for projects, plans or programmes by the competent approval authority. The legal framework is the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG). In some federal states, there are also country-specific laws on EIA.

Environmental assessments shall identify, describe and evaluate the impact of a planned project, plan or programme on the environment and its protected goods. The purpose of the evaluation is to determine whether the effects caused by the planned project, plan or programme are to be classified as significant. The evaluation takes into account specific technical laws (e. g. BBodSchG, WHG, TA Luft, etc. ) or verbally-argumentatively according to the current state of science, if appropriate technical laws or limit values are missing.

The requirement for an environmental assessment depends on the nature of the project, plan or programme envisaged and can be determined on the basis of ##Annexes 1 (list of projects subject to EIA) and 5 (list of plans and programmes subject to EIA) of the EIA. For projects listed in Appendix 1 of the EIA, an EIA may be waived, depending on the performance and thresholds set, if a general or site-specific preliminary assessment shows that the planned project is not expected to have significant adverse effects on the environment and its protected goods.

A site-specific pre-assessment of the individual case is carried out if, under “normal circumstances”, the planned project is not expected to have significant adverse environmental effects, but special local conditions, such as particularly sensitive biotopes, are present. If “special local circumstances” are identified, a general preliminary examination of the individual case is automatically carried out in the next step.

The general preliminary examination of the individual case is carried out as a preliminary examination. The evaluation shall assess, on the basis of the documentation submitted by the promoter, whether significant adverse effects can be excluded. If this is not the case, the EIA obligation for the planned project is determined.

##Environmental audits are always carried out by the competent licensing authority. The EIA report (formerly called UVU Environmental Impact Assessment or UVS Environmental Impact Assessment) serves as the basis for the decision and contains all relevant information provided by the project promoter on the project according to § 16 UVPG .

Are special expert opinions e. g. emission forecasts, noise reports etc. are required, these should be included in the EIA report. This presupposes the availability of such expert opinions for the EIA report.

In addition to EIA reports on projects planned in-house, we also accept external contracts. A fast and comprehensive cooperation of the client or the planning office is absolutely necessary.

To create the right conditions for your project, we work closely with the competent authorities. Both spatial (area of study) and thematic requirements are coordinated with the EIA report.

Our services in the context of preparing an EIA report are summarised below. Depending on the planned project, plan or programme, as well as on the scale, difficulty and local conditions, individual items may be omitted or supplemented in response to specific requirements.

  1. Operational
    • Examination of the documents provided (applications, expert opinions, decisions of the authorities)
    • GIS-supported preliminary survey of the project site (including testing for possible impact of Natura 2000 sites and species protection)
    • Visit
    • Development of the expected priorities of the EIA report and a methodology adapted to the
  2. Research on the current legal situation (current court rulings)
  3. Scoping date (if necessary) and coordination of the investigation framework with the licensing authority (may not be applicable)
  4. Creation of the preliminary EIA report for coordination with the client with a reinforcing structure according to the content projects of Appendix 4 of the EIAP. Determination of the action factors and the action pathways broken down by
    • construction-related factors,
    • plant-related operating factors, and
    • operational factors.

Definition of the study area (if not already done in the framework of the study)
Identification of the protected goods affected by the project Description of the condition of the protected goods in the study area (Spacial analysis) Description of the potential impact of the project on the protected goods (impact analysis) and assessment of its relevance either according to legal limits (if available) otherwise


If the location of a project that is likely to have an impact on the environment is within or near FFH areas, a FFH compatibility assessment (FFH-VP) must be carried out in accordance with § 34 (1) BNatSchG as part of the approval procedure. The Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) thus complies with the requirements of Directive 92/43/EEC (ugs. Habitats Directive or Habitats Directive for short). This serves “to preserve natural habitats and wild animals and plants. ”

Habitats are designated for particularly sensitive habitat types (LRTs), animals and plants and are subject to strict protection. Protected area regulations and management plans set out protection objectives, conservation objectives and protection purpose. These form the basis and benchmark of the FFH-VP.

The test for FFH-tolerability is carried out in two steps:

  1. FFH pre-examination
    Is the project fundamentally suitable to have a lasting and significant impact on the FFH area? Is there any evidence that the project will actually be/are likely to have any adverse effects?
  2. FFH-Compatibility Test
    If there are indications, a detailed assessment of the project will be carried out with regard to its compatibility with the conservation objectives of the FFH site.

As part of our work, we coordinate with the competent authority on the necessary inspection steps. After the first stage of the assessment, it can be established that the project is FFH-compatible and does not require further consideration.

If a full FFH-VP is required, we will also coordinate the further procedure with the competent authority. It is important to clarify whether mapping work is necessary, whether there is well-founded data on the FFH area and to what extent further expert reports (e. g. pollutant emission forecasts, noise reports, etc. ) are required.

Our services to the FFH-VP at a glance:

  1. FFH pre-examination
    • Identification of potentially affected FFH areas
    • Research on the protection purpose and conservation objectives
    • An approximate determination of the active factors and their effects on the basis of available expert reports (e. g. emission forecast, sound expert reports)
    • Definition of the study area
    • Preliminary assessment of the expected impact on the FFH area
  2. FFH-Compatibility Test
    • Detailed identification, description and evaluation of the expected impact of the project on the affected areas
    • Examination of the eligibility of the project with regard to conservation objectives and compatibility with the relevant legal bases and management plans
    • If necessary. Examination of the exemption requirements according to § 34 (3) BNatSchG in the event of a significant impairment caused by the project

As part of a report, the FFH-compatibility assessment is submitted as part of the application documents in the approval procedure.

Contact details of Mr Peters


Projects involving interventions in nature and the countryside generally require accompanying landscape management planning. The Landscape Management Accompanying Plan (LBP) describes interventions in nature and landscape and identifies possible conflicts caused by the project. An essential component of the LBP is the planning of measures to prevent, reduce/minimise and compensate for interventions. On the basis of the measures, the intervention/compensation balance is calculated.

The aim of the accompanying landscape management planning is to maintain the functionality of the natural balance by means of measures accompanying construction to protect the environment and compensatory measures to compensate for unavoidable interference in nature and the countryside.

The implementation of the measures planned in the LBP is usually checked in the context of a subsequent environmental construction supervision (UBB) during the realisation of the project.
As part of the activity, there is close coordination with the competent authorities on possible measures and their implementation.

Our LBP services at a glance:

  • Description and evaluation of the current state of the environment in the
  • intervention and operation area of the project
  • Evaluation of spatial data sets
  • Identification of protected parts of nature and landscape
  • Biotope mapping
  • Faunistic studies (e. g. breeding bird mapping, bat mapping)
  • Identification of planned interventions
  • Conflict analysis
  • Planning of measures and accounting
  • Safeguard measures to prevent interference
  • Compensatory measures in the event of unavoidable interference
  • Cartographic representations as required
  • Preparation of the landscape management plan

If required, we will then be happy to provide you with an offer for environmental construction support (UBB) adapted to the LBP.

Contact details of Mr. Pollrich


For projects of any kind, the regulations of special species protection and in particular the access bans pursuant to § 44 (1) BNatSchG must be taken into account. The prohibitions of access include the prohibition of killing, the prohibition of interference and the prohibition of damage. Simply put, it is forbidden to carry out acts which lead to the killing or injury of specially protected animals, to the disturbance of specially protected animals during breeding, rearing, mowing and migration periods, and to the damage, destruction or removal of breeding and resting places.
Of the large number of particularly protected animal and plant species in Germany, projects generally only have to consider species protected under European law (species listed in Annex IV of the Habitats Directive and European bird species) and species for which Germany has a special responsibility. For property appraisals, e. g. in the context of demolition and renovation projects, it is usually sufficient to consider typical animal species inhabiting buildings (especially birds and bats).

Therefore, it is necessary to assess whether access bans are or may be violated in the context of site management planning, in other planning approval and planning approval procedures, as well as in procedures that serve the approval decision (e. g. for obtaining a building permit or a permit under the law on pollution control). A possible violation can then be prevented by appropriate avoidance and minimisation or function-sustaining compensatory measures, or by an exemption according to § 67 para. 1 BNatSchG in conjunction with compensatory measures.

Irrespective of the nature of the project and the associated intervention, comprehensive knowledge of the species relevant to planning in the area of impact is required for the assessment under species protection law. Based on stock data, which are queried from the nature conservation authorities, it is usually also useful to study the species that are relevant to planning.

To this end, we work together with various mapping offices throughout Germany to have all species groups examined by specialists and thus to obtain a reliable data base for species protection assessment.
In addition, we also carry out our own surveys for different species groups (see also Faunistic Special Investigations – further below).
We would like to advise you on the subject of species protection in advance planning. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact details of Mr Peters


Environmental and FFH impact assessments are often necessary in the context of permit planning. This includes, among other things, the consideration of nature and landscape as well as of existing and protected animals and plants. As part of the planning, any damage to these protected goods should be avoided in advance or, if necessary, compensated for.
For this purpose, we offer our own collection of stock data, mapping and the technical evaluation of existing surveys in the context of vegetation mapping (FFH, LRT, biotope and usage mapping) as well as special fauna surveys (amphibians and reptiles, bats, butterflies and moths, locusts, dragonflies, Beetles, among others).

Contact details of Mr. Pollrich

Recording of bat activity

The following systems are available to us to detect bat activity in the area affected by the project or in the affected object:

  • Passive recording (stationary): Elekon BATLOGGER A+
    With the BATLOGGER A+, bat calls (location calls, social sounds, court singing) are recorded in real time in the ultrasonic range. To do this, we install the device in a suitable position for several nights. At the set night time, the environment is continuously monitored in the ultrasonic range and a recording is stored on the device when bat activity is detected. The recorded sequences are then analyzed using special software (Elekon BatExplorer, WSL BatScope, R) and assigned to one or more species (s). The automatic species allocation is secured by a manual control, depending on the requirement.
    The passive detection system is suitable for bat detection over longer periods of time both outdoors (weatherproof system) and indoors (e. g. attic). In addition to the acoustic recording of bats, the temperature is also recorded, which facilitates the later interpretation of the data.
  • Active recording (mobile): DODOTRONIC Ultramic 384K BLUE
    The Ultramic 384K BLE is a highly sensitive ultrasonic microphone with USB connection, which is operated via USB-OTG to a smartphone with the app BatRecorder. In the case of active recording, the area of investigation is crossed at different times of night depending on the question. The recording takes place either at individual points or along the entire route. In addition to the active recording by direct playback of the ultrasonic sounds converted into audible spectrum via headphones, real-time recordings are also stored here for computer-assisted follow-up.Active recording is better suited to collecting qualitative data than passive recording. For example, it can be better assessed whether it is hunting activity or swarming activity in the vicinity of quarters. Active registration is also used for the search of quarters and for excursion controls.

The selection of suitable recording methods depends on the question and is agreed in advance with the responsible nature conservation authority. The results are presented and interpreted either in the context of species protection reports or environmental assessments or as an independent Flemish expert report.

Contact details of Mr Peters


Environmental construction support ##(UBB) helps to prevent environmental damage and the resulting costs and time delays.The field of application of the environmental construction support covers all phases of the realization of the project: from the implementation planning to the tendering up to the acceptance and verification of the completed implementation (success control or monitoring).

Decisive for the scope of services are in particular

  • the size of the project;
  • the specific effects of the project on the environment; or
  • the particular sensitivity of the protected goods and of the environment in which the project is carried out;
  • the protective measures laid down in the building permit.

The focus is on the planning and control of tree protection measures in accordance with DIN 18 920 and RAS-LP 4 with the aim of preventing tree damage on the construction site. This usually takes place within the framework of ecological construction supervision or environmental construction supervision.

In addition to the protection of the trunk and the crown of the tree, the root area is particularly important. No construction work should be carried out in the area covered by the treetop plus 1. 50 metres. By removing trees, their bark may be damaged by sunlight. This increases the risk of fungal infestation, which can lead to the death of the entire tree. A regular tree inspection (according to the tree inspection guideline by an FLL-certified tree inspector) as well as maintenance in compliance with the ZTV tree care should therefore also be carried out in case of an exemption.

Other services:

  • Creation and maintenance of tree registers
  • Assessment and monitoring of applications
  • Species protection monitoring

Since 1 March 2020, only plants and seeds from the respective region of origin may be planted in the wild. When planning and monitoring compensation measures, we are guided by the “Guidelines for the Use of Grown Grows” and the ##FLL brochure “Recommendations for the Greening of Grown Grown Grown Grown Grows. ”

Contact details of Mr. Pollrich


As part of the technical contribution WFD, we check whether your planned project is compatible with the objectives of the Water Framework Directive. The following aspects are considered:

  • Which bodies of water (surface water bodies and groundwater bodies) are affected by the planned project?
  • What ecological and chemical condition / What are the ecological potential of the affected surface water bodies (OWK)?
  • What is the quantitative and chemical status of the affected groundwater bodies (GWK)?
  • What management objectives and programmes of measures have been set for the water bodies concerned (OWK and GWK)?
  • What are the effects of the planned project on the water bodies concerned?
  • Does the planned project violate the prohibition of deterioration?
  • Does the planned project prevent the improvement of the condition of the water bodies (improvement requirement)?
  • Does the planned project jeopardise or hinder the achievement of the management objectives/measures programmes?

Finally, the question of whether the project is eligible for approval under water law is to be clarified.

When preparing the technical contribution WFD, we work in close coordination with the competent authorities to create a reliable data base for the decision on the legality of the planned project under water law.
You are welcome to contact us during the planning of your project. We will be happy to advise you and help you to uncover possible conflicts from a water law point of view, which you can take into account in your planning.

An overview of our services within the scope of the WRRL technical contribution:

  • Identification of water bodies affected by the project (OWK and GWK)
  • Research (current status assessments, management objectives and programmes of measures)
  • Summary of the project description from the design/permit planning
  • Discussion on the legal basis (WFD, UQN Directive, Groundwater Directive, WHG, OGewV, GrwV)
  • Description of the water bodies concerned by the proposed project, including their quality components
  • Description of project-specific factors and effects on affected water bodies (impact forecast)
  • Summary and conclusion
  • If necessary. Examination of the conditions for exemption in this case of non-compliance with management objectives
  • Cartographic representations as required

Environmental impact assessments are often required as part of planning approval procedures for water development projects according to § 68 WHG. We are also happy to take over the preparation of the EIA report according to § 16 of the UVPG for you

Contact details of Mr Peters

Contact persons in the field of environmental planning – Mr. Steffen Pollrich
Contacts in the field of environmental planning – Mr Benjamin Peters